Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Credit Card Art: Transportation

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Okay...I have to start somewhere-

Picture it: Long Island 1966. Dad stops to fill up the tank at the local Massapequa Gulf Station. He passes his Gulf charge to the attendant..(yes, manners were rampant then). Anyway, I remember seeing this image of different transportation types on his card with the Gulf Oil logo. After decades of remembering this...here you go~ The Gulf credit card art from 1966. Transportation looks like a Sabreliner Bizjet, Chriscraft Yacht, and a dodge(?) two-door of a make I can't figure out yet. What's great about this ad is that the infamous Holiday Inn marquee is also included. Americana at it's best. Look for more cool advertising art involving transportation art soon!
My Air Tran mileage card. No that's not my real number.
Illustrated: Air Tran Boeing 717. An excellent ride. Lots of power
from the BMW engines.